- Understanding the Role of Emotions in Life -
The Center for Emotional Economics encourages, facilitates and finances interactions between researchers from economics, psychology and from all other disciplines who are interested in the role of emotions in decision making. Decisions are understood both in a typical economic but also in a much wider sense. Generally speaking, researchers connected to the Center would be happy to study the role of emotions in life - as long as the research satisfies the rigour of modern economic analysis.
The Center was initially conceptualized at the end of 2009 and is still in the process of being born. It is the outcome of long discussions between James Hillis, then Department of Psychology at the University of Glasgow and Klaus Wälde, at that time of the Department of Economics at the University of Glasgow. The Center is now at the University of Mainz and is financed through an initial generous endowment by the University of Mainz for five years.
The activities of the Center have been transfered to the Graduate College on Dynamic Aspects of Stress at Work (DAS GK).